Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Eye of Newt

The other night my 10-year-old asked to use the iPod. She was having a harder time getting to sleep than usual (when it's hard enough), and music helps her to relax. But at that hour (almost 10 pm), the prospect of actually having to think while scouring the skillet was too much for me. After a few minutes of excavation, I found the little radio buried on my dresser, plugged in a pair of ear buds (or ear bud, as only one was working), and headed for the kitchen. Hockey games were on both of the local sports stations; hockey is a horrible radio sport, even worse than basketball, though I can at least work up a little interest in the Byzantine workings of the local b-ball franchises. So I pushed the button for the political talk station. At that hour, the usual parade of sneerers and shouters gives way to a host who, though his politics are not so different from the rest, is at least knowledgeable, civil, and well-spoken. And he doesn't take phone calls. I've never been able to understand the attraction of listening to the opinions of people who are no better informed than I am.

The first segment of the program concentrated on the Republican field in the presidential race. I was shocked—shocked, I tell you—to discover that Newt Gingrich was surging ahead of the pack. (I'd heard he was running, but I hardly thought he was a serious candidate.) Apparently Newt's giant intellect had quite blinded folks to his spotty personal record on the family values front. Now, Newt is a bright guy, no doubt, but even in his salad days as Speaker of the House there was something a little too slick about him for this writer. But I suppose that compared to Governor Romney, who has all the political charisma of his late father, Governor Romney, Newt pushes more of the correct ideological buttons and is less likely to put the public to sleep.

I hesitate to write about the rest of the field; suffice it to say that I can't see any of them standing on the Capitol steps taking the oath of office. Even those who are sensible on some issues are wacky on others. So far, I'm likely to pull the lever for none of the above. If only Homer Tomlinson were still around. Be sure to leave a comment on his wall.

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